READ THIS! QUEEN VICTORIA: DEMON HUNTER BY A.E. MOORAT I have to agree with Susan Higginbotham, this is very interesting. I enjoyed Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles in college. I eventually grew towards the historical aspect of the novels. The only king I could ever really visualize as pulling off the vampire story would have to be Edward II. Queen Victoria makes a believable vampire killer in this cover though.

“The novel takes you to the smoggy, cobbled streets of Victoria’s vile and villainous Britain, but not as you know them …A layer of horror will be seamlessly woven in to comedic effect. You’ll meet Queen Victoria not as the bitter old widow forever draped in black, but transformed into an ass-kicking killer of evil creatures. It will be so scarily convincing that you’ll be certain that in the dark days of Queen Victoria, it was more than just the pick-pockets you had to look out for…”

More here.

LOL, this book looks and sounds awesome! I just love this trend of re-working classic stories to include zombies and monsters. Don’t you think its fun?

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