Let’s do a poll and settle this! True Blood vs. The Vampire Diaries vs. Twilight. Take the poll now and be heard. Let’s put a stake through the heart of this argument.
I admit this isn’t a fair fight. The Vampire Diaries hasn’t aired yet and Twilight is a movie vs. tv show (true blood).
This should actually be a poll about what’s the best book series. But I don’t like putting limitations on anything so @# it, just vote with your heart:
What’s the best: True Blood, The Vampire Diaries, Twilight?
be heard! leave your comments below. let’s see if we can get a debate/argument going
True Blood by far,although twilight was good,It lacked the reality level of true blood!
books … true blood veryveryvery close followed by twilight
on air … twilight wins for me – because there are more actors i really love
and the vampire diaries are really good – but the story is not as good as the other two series
books … true blood veryveryvery close followed by twilight
on air … twilight wins for me – because there are more actors i really love
and the vampire diaries are really good – but the story is not as good as the other two series