By OBS Staff Member ifellhard

A new trailer for “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1” has been released in which fans are treated to close to 2 minutes and 30 seconds of glimpses into the film to be released on November 18. Having learned from past experience, the way the trailer is cut may not necessarily correlate to what fans see in the final product. If you’ll remember, the trailers for “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” were cut with very different scenes pieced together, surprising fans when they saw the final product in theaters. Here’s what we can see in this trailer:
7 seconds:
A shot of the a river running through the Olympic Peninsula with audio of Charlie asking Bella if she’s ready and her responding with a whispered, “Yeah.”
9 seconds:
A shot of Carlisle and Esme greeting the “cousins” from Denali at Bella and Edward’s wedding with other guests seated in the pews.
11 seconds:
We see Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper, Esme, and Carlisle seated on the front row of the pews at the wedding with the Denali Coven seated behind them.
13 seconds:
The guests rise from the pews as the bride begins the processional.
15 seconds:
A glimpse into one of the scenes that will make me cry – Charlie preparing to walk his baby girl down the aisle as she says, “Just don’t let me fall, Dad.” Charlie responds with a tear-inducing, “Never.” We catch a glimpse of Bella in her wedding gown from the neck up. We can see the veil and a hint of whatever sleeves are on the dress as they skim her shoulders. Charlie is wearing a traditional black tux with a black bow tie.
18 seconds:
The Summit logo emerges as in other films. In keeping with the logo artwork already released, it is red emerging on a black background.
21 seconds:
We see the ornate comb with the sapphires (presumably given by Charlie and Renee) attached to Bella’s veil in a shot that fans saw earlier in the summer. We can also see that sections of Bella’s hair are braided, as Rosalie was instructed to do by Alice.
We also hear the swoon-worthy voice of Edward saying, “I Edward Cullen…”.
24 seconds:
Charlie and a very nervous-looking Bella prepare for their march down the aisle and there’s still nothing that gives away what the gown looks like while Edward’s voice continues, “take you, Bella Swan…”
27 seconds:
We see Bella’s arm looped through Charlie’s with a shot of her engagement ring as we hear Bella state, “for better or for worse…”
28 seconds:
We see all of the guests standing and turned to see Bella walk down the aisle and Edward looking devastatingly handsome in a black tux, white vest, and white tie waiting at the altar. Take note of the guests in attendance. On the bride’s side (the left-hand side), the first woman in the last pew in the mauve-colored dress is Stephanie Meyer. She’s seated next to Executive Producer Wyck Godfrey.
30 seconds:
There’s another shot of a very nervous-looking Bella with Edward’s voice saying, “to love…”
31 seconds:
The shot cuts to Edward, looking anxious for his bride to get to the end of the aisle and Bella’s voice says, “and to cherish…”
34 seconds:
Bella looks into Edward’s eyes and says, “as long as we both shall live” and the shot cuts to Edward’s smiling face.
38 seconds:
The wedding guests say their farewells to the newlyweds as Edward and Bella leave the Cullen home after the reception. .
39 seconds:
Jacob’s voice comes in saying, “This is how I’ll remember you. Pink cheeks, heartbeat. You’d think I’d be used to telling you good-bye by now.” At 42 seconds, we see a tearful Bella dancing with Jacob away from the rest of the guests.
47 seconds:
We see a car driving off into the night. Judging from the tail lights, it looks like a dark-colored Volvo and not Edward’s flashy Aston Martin. At the 48-second mark, we see Bella looking out the window with a serious look on her face. Perhaps this is when they are leaving the Cullen’s and she’s thinking of all that she will be leaving behind when she’s changed?
52 seconds:
There’s a scene of a coastline in Rio, foreshadowing the much-anticipated honeymoon on Isle Esme.
53 seconds:
A speedboat heads toward an island in open water.
55 seconds:
With luggage on the porch, Edward scoops Bella into his arms at the home on Isle Esme as the both of them grin like love-struck fools.
57 seconds:
Bella, standing alone, gazes out the window.
58 seconds:
Edward is presumably looking at Bella with an intense look.
1 minute:
Edward and Bella are in bed together, kissing without (presumably) any clothes on. At the 1:01 mark, we see Edward grip and crush the headboard, also bringing down the curtained canopy above the headboard.
1 minute 4 seconds:
We see Bella lying in bed with feathers surrounding her head. She’s holding one and looking at it while the audio of Edward says, “Last night was the best night of my existence.” At the 1:06 mark, there is a shot of Edward saying that to Bella.
1 minute 7 seconds:
There is a shot of a waterfall on the island and then we see Edward and Bella making out in the water at the 1:08 mark. This is a shot that has been widely circulated with Bella in the white bikini.
1 minute 12 seconds:
Bella goes to check herself out in the mirror. Edward enters the scene at the 1:15 mark with ominous music playing in the background. Bella is standing in front of a mirror, turned to the side, with her shirt pulled up as she examines her baby bump. At the 1 minute 18 seconds mark, she has both hands on her stomach and says, “That’s impossible.” (This is consistent with Bella’s account on page 124.) We can also see in the photo that she is only wearing her wedding band and not the engagement ring and wedding band.
1 minute 19 seconds:
Bella winces in pain with her hands on her belly. Perhaps this is the moment she first feels her “little nudger”?
1 minute 22 seconds:
A freaked-out looking Edward presumably moves to help Bella.
1 minute 23 seconds:
There’s some more stock footage of the forest around Forks and LaPush as Carlisle’s voice comes in saying, “The fetus isn’t compatible with your body.” Carlisle appears at the 1:25 mark as he tells Bella, “It’s too strong and fast-growing.” At 1:27 the scene shifts to Edward telling Bella, “It’s crushing you from the inside out.”
1 minute 29 seconds:
Bella pulls her shirt down to cover her rapidly expanding belly.
1 minute 30 seconds:
Carlisle tells Bella, “Your heart will give out before you can deliver.” The shot cuts to Bella in what appears to be the hospital bed that the Cullens set up in the home.
1 minute 32 seconds:
There’s a shot of Jacob riding his motorcycle. At the 1:33 mark, Jacob is in the Cullen’s home, going after Edward for what has happened to Bella. As Jacob begins to charge a devastated-looking Edward, Emmett puts his hand on Jacob’s shoulder to stop him.
1 minute 35 seconds:
Alice announces that she can’t see Bella’s future any longer.
1 minute 37 seconds:
A tearful Jacob sits outside of the Cullen home.
1 minute 38 seconds:
Bella rests on the Cullen’s (not white) sofa and Edward places his hand on her belly. Perhaps this is the first time he hears the baby’s thoughts?
1 minute 39 seconds:
The pack meets on the beach at La Push as Sam talks about destroying the half-breed and protecting their people “before it’s too late.”
1 minute 42 seconds:
A wolf on a ridge looks down at the Cullen home and growls.
1 minute 43 seconds:
Jacob is talking to Bella at the Cullen’s as Carlisle and Esme stand nearby and tells her, “You’re the enemy now. Sam won’t hesitate. You will be slaughtered.”
1 minute 44 seconds:
The pack is in wolf form with Sam up on a rock, presumably giving an alpha order through the pack connection. At the 1:45 mark, the pack is running in attack mode with teeth bared.
1 minute 48 seconds:
Bella is beginning to look haggard from the effects of the pregnancy and is sitting in a white robe in the kitchen as Carlisle’s voice states, “It’s starving you by the hour.” At 1:49 the scene shifts to Edward standing and looking out the window as the audio of him talking about losing Bella.
1 minute 51 seconds:
Bella is seen telling Edward that he “has to accept what is” and he raises his voice to her, saying, “You’ve given me no choice!”
1 minute 54 seconds:
The wolves are seen running through the woods.
1 minute 55 seconds:
Jacob and Seth are standing near the edge of a river in their human form and Jacob tells him, “They’re ready. They’re coming for Bella.” At 1:57 Edward states, “They’re not gonna touch her.”
1 minute 58 seconds:
We see the Cullens in fighting positions as Sam and the pack attack outside of the Cullen’s home. This is a big deviation from canon and I’m really surprised by this scene. I’m interested to see how things play out in the movie version with Jacob breaking from the pack and how that all goes down.
2 minutes:
Jacob is in human outside of the Cullen home with the Cullens standing behind him form yelling at Sam (in wolf form), “If you kill her, you kill me!” Sam responds with a growl.
2 minutes 2 seconds:
A beautiful sunrise over snow-capped mountains is shown. I’m making that assumption because the film is “Breaking Dawn” after all. While I’m not familiar with that mountain range, that seems like an awful lot of snow for August/September.
2 minutes 3 seconds:
Aro is shown sitting on his throne in Volterra. A terrified-looking female (Gianna?) is holding a silver tray and is forcibly removed from the room by Felix and Demitri. In previous teasers, we saw this woman deliver an invitation to Edward and Bella’s wedding on the silver tray to Aro.
2 minutes 5 seconds:
A shot of Christ the Redeemer in Rio makes an appearance. The statue was also seen in “New Moon” when Edward was in his self-imposed exile in South America.
2 minutes 6 seconds:
Edward and Bella kiss in the streets of Rio at what appears to be a street festival of sorts.
2 minutes 7 seconds:
We see footage of Alice and Jasper fighting the wolves. Again, I’m dying to know what’s up with this!
2 minutes 8 seconds:
Bella is in her hospital bed at Cullen Medical Center with medical equipment all around her.
2 minutes 9 seconds:
Charlie is seen in a suit looking tearful and devastated. Perhaps this is when he’s learned of Bella’s “illness” that she contracted in South America? But what the heck is up with the suit?
2 minutes 10 seconds:
The wolves are giving chase to someone (or several someones) and we see the Cullens running in the next shot. Perhaps this is a continuation of the fighting seen earlier or is it another skirmish?
2 minutes 13 seconds:
Edward gets a really freaked-out look on his face as Bella goes to the floor. We see Rosalie going to her aid and Alice and Jacob looking on with worry. Could this be the birth scene or one of Bella’s ribs being broken?
2 minutes 16 seconds:
The shot goes to a “Bella point-of-view” with Rosalie, Jacob, and Edward coming to Bella’s aid. This looks a lot like it could be part of the birth scene. We hear Jacob calling out Bella’s name and the screen going black as if Bella is losing consciousness. There are then shots of Jacob doing CPR as dramatic music with a heartbeat sound plays and then we hear Bella screaming in pain, presumably as the baby breaks more bones.
2 minutes 21 seconds:
The screen goes to a title screen with the release date and a fade to black.
This trailer certainly shows us much more than the one that aired in June, but it is increasingly obvious that they are keeping a tight lid on what Bella’s wedding gown looks like. This time around, we did get some glimpses into how the birth scene might go down and we got to see images of a very pregnant Bella.
I am also finding myself shocked by the wolves attacking the Cullens. That is a huge twist for me.
The images of the wedding are simply breathtaking and I cannot wait to see it in all of its big-screen glory!
They obviously chose to highlight key plot moments – wedding, honeymoon, and pregnancy, but there are still several scenes that I am dying to see:
- Bella’s Mercedes Guardian that Edward gives her as her “before” car when her truck finally dies
- Bella and Edward’s talk with Charlie
- Edward’s “bachelor party” with Carlisle, Emmett, and Jasper when they give him the sex talk
- Alice fitting Charlie for his tuxedo and sticking him with pins
- the wedding reception and Edward’s disgust with Mike Newton’s lewd thoughts of the bride
- Bella meeting the infamous Tanya and the rest of the Denali coven at the reception
- Rosalie feeding Jacob food served in a dog dish
- Jacob imprinting on Renesmee (and Edward’s response)
It’s hard to believe that there are only 65 more days until the release and this trailer has truly served its purpose to get me even more psyched to see the movie.
What about you? What do you think of the latest trailer? What scenes are you anxious to see? Join us in the forum to discuss.