OBS Members Short Story Submissions

Do you enjoy writing? Are you a fan of Sci-Fi and the Supernatural? Well, here’s your chance to show off your writing skills and have your work be seen by thousands of fellow fans.

Enter our OBS Member Short Story Highlight of the Month

How It Works:

-Join OBS Forum. (You must be a member to enter your submission).

-Post your story in our Fan Fiction section here

-Short story genre must fall under Sci-Fi, Supernatural or Paranormal.

-Must be 250 words or less.

-One submission only, per member, per month.

-Upon submission we need your full name and State so you are credited for the story if you win..

-Original Artwork to coincide with story submission is encouraged.

-Please refrain from abusive or profane language.

-All stories should must original, no adaptations or plagiarism please.

-Forum Members then vote for their favorite submissions. The winner will be chosen and if you win, you will be notified and your story gets posted to the OBS Blog for all to see.

How does that sound? Don’t wait, share your story with us on the forum!