Chapter 22 & 23 by Katie
Chapter 22 – Fire and Ice
Chapter 23 – Monster
Inside the tent, Bella was a Popsicle. And the storm outside just kept picking up. Edward wouldn’t even dare go by Bella, afraid to make her even colder than she already was, if it was possible. While Bella chattered away as she attempted to talk
Jacob waited out side in wolf form, whining because he knew it was dangerously cold out. Finally Edward had Jacob come inside and warm Bella up. Edward and Jacob of coursed bickered back and forth, Edward was jealous because Jacob could do what he would like to do for Bella. But as Bella started to drift away in to dream land, Jacob and Edward where actually able to hold a normal conversation with out really going at it with one another. It was mostly Jacob asking Edward a lot of questions, he wanted a chance to actually get to know Edward and what went on in his head. Considering Edward can always see what Jacob is thinking. Jacob was pretty stuck on finding out how hard it was for Edward when he had thought he lost Bella. After talking most of the night, they didn’t have much else to talk about. Jacob and Bella both drifted off to sleep.
Quotes –
“Why don’t you go fetch a space heater or something?” – Edward, page 489
“I run at a toasty one-oh-eight point nine these days. I’ll have you sweating in no time.” – Jacob, page 490
“Why are you so much furrier than your friends?” – Bella, page 493
“My apologies, dog.” – Edward, page 508
“Because your space heater has reached his limit.” – Edward, page 514
“Kiss me, Jacob. Kiss me, and then come back.” – Bella, page 525
Questions –
What do you think brought on Jacob asking Edward questions?
Why do you think Edward so easily talked with Jacob?
What would make Jacob stay back and listen to Edward and Bella’s conversation?
Why do you think it took Bella this long to realize she loved Jacob too?