Chapter 22 Flight
By: Libby
This chapter picks up with Demetri leaving Bella, Alice, and Edward with Gianna in the lobby of the Volturi’s complex to wait until after dark to leave. Bella is having a nervous breakdown due to the recent events with the Volturi. Bella learns that Gianna is well-aware of the activities that take place there and that one day she wishes to join the Volturi. Bella and Edward are interacting closely, but they’re both careful. Bella’s reluctance is out of the fear that Edward is going to leave her once they get back to safety. They both seem to be happy in their reunion, despite the terrible circumstances that brought them together. Eventually Alec reappears after mealtime to dismiss Edward, Bella, and Alice, and he asks them to make a timely departure from the city.
Questions for consideration:
Is there something you noticed in this chapter that you’d like to discuss with the book club?
Did something or someone catch you by surprise?
How did you feel when Edward told Bella that Gianna knew what was happening and that she wanted to be a part of it?
What would you change about this chapter if you had a chance?
Would you have stayed quiet like Bella during the trip home or would you have started asking all the questions you had?
What did you think of Alice and Jasper’s reunion at the airport?
What’s your favorite quote from this chapter?
Do you think Charlie overreacted when he saw Bella with Edward or was he justified in the way he treated him?
Did you see any particular symbolism or little detail you have never noticed before while rereading this chapter?
Chapter 23 The Truth
By: Libby
Bella is struggling to wake up from her dream because she fears losing Edward once again. When she finally does wake, she doesn’t believe he’s really there. First she thinks she’s lost her mind completely and then she thinks she really did die the day she jumped off the cliff. Things become more clear to her and she remembers going to Italy. She asks how long she’s been out, and Edward mentions that Charlie has banned him from the house. Bella is infuriated by that, and asks Edward “What’s the story?” for why had she suddenly left and didn’t even know for how long she was gone. She learns that she way away for three days and Edward has no explanation for her.
Questions for consideration:
Is there something you noticed in this chapter that you’d like to discuss with the book club?
What did you think of Bella’s “delusions” and her thinking she was dead?
Is there anything about this chapter you were disappointed with?
Would you have stopped Edward from kissing you like Bella did? How did you feel when they finally did kiss?
What did you think when you learned Edward was hunting Victoria?
Did something or someone in this chapter catch you by surprise?
Did you believe Edward when he told Bella he lied about not wanting her or were you skeptical like she was?
What is your favorite quote from this chapter?
What did you think of Bella’s decision to put her mortality into a vote?
Did you see and particular symbolism or little detail you have never noticed before while rereading this chapter?
How did this chapter make you feel?
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