The “Twilight” sequel, “New Moon,” should boost Hot Topic Inc.‘s sales this fall, analysts said, but may not be as powerful a sales driver as the first movie.
The apparel based on the “Twilight” hit book and movie series about teenage vampires had helped Hot Topic post big gains in sales late last year and earlier this year while other retailers struggled.
“New Moon” merchandise will be in stores in early October.
But other stores are also releasing “New Moon” product, and Van Sinderen said the company felt it would be hard to be better than flat with last year’s “Twilight” sales.
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I recall that last year Twilight merchandise gave Hot Topic a huge boost. But the economy sucks right now. Many are out of jobs and cannot afford extras like this. I’m not sure New Moon merchandise will give that much of a boost.
And, The Twilight Saga has gone BERSERK with movie merchandise. It’s kinda gross.
Do you think New Moon merch will boost Hot Topic’s sales? What are your predictions for how well or how badly it will sell?