Never Ceese by Sue Dent
Chapter 26 by Krystal
Edited by Rose

After arriving home from their recent speed bump on the path to salvation, Richard and Ceese head to bed. Meanwhile, Rodney enjoys a beer on the balcony before joining Cassie in the living room. Sitting in silence on the futon for what seemed an eternity, Rodney watches Cassie and finally breaks the uncomfortable silence to know how long she is going to ignore him. Pretending that nothing of the sort is going on, she continues to maintain her attention on the computer. He apologizes, but all she can do is ask why he double-crossed her. Trying to avoid the question Rodney asks what she is so intent about doing on the computer. She finally confides that she is sending Dr. Henderson an email. Upon hearing this, Rodney rushes to her keyboard and deletes the message explaining they don’t know Dr. Henderson’s full intentions.

Questions for consideration:

Do you agree with Rodney’s reasons for helping, or is there more too it? If so, what?

What do you think Dr. Henderson’s intentions are?

Do you think Josh is a bad guy or a victim of Henderson’s?

Is there something you noticed in this chapter that you’d like to discuss with the book club?

What is your favorite quote from this chapter?

Never Ceese by Sue Dent
Chapter 27 by Krystal/Rose

While Cassie and Rodney have been up all night chasing after Richard and Ceese, Clayton Henderson was up waiting for Josh to return with his ‘guests’. Wondering if Josh was the right choice to perform his task of kidnapping, a knock at the door interrupts his thoughts. It’s Josh and he brings bad news. As he admits to losing the two of Henderson’s ‘friends’, Henderson is about to close the door on his face, but he stops it just in time by saying he does knows where they. Henderson pleased at hearing this, invites Josh in and supplies him with a quick fix of some nose candy before heading to check his email. After receiving Cassie’s email, Henderson rushes to stir the now phased out Josh and demands to know if Cassie has knowledge of the boys’ involvement with him. Snagging Josh’s cell, he places a call to Cassie immediately.

Questions for consideration:

Do you think Richard wants to be mortal as well or just Ceese? If not, why?

Do you think there is some connection between Richard and Ceese?

Do you think Rodney’s feelings for Ceese are his own, now that we know she can will people to do things?

Is there something you noticed in this chapter that you’d like to discuss with the book club?

What is your favorite quote from this chapter?

Did you notice any foreshadowing in this chapter? If so, what?

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