Title: Murder Under the Mistletoe
Series: Summer Walsh Mystery, #1
By: Deborah Tisdale, Debbie Mayne
Review brought to you by OBS reviewer Andra
When former Nashville police detective Summer Walsh visits her favorite B&B in Charleston, South Carolina, during the Christmas Holidays, she discovers the innkeeper’s dead body. What she’d hoped would be a relaxing holiday between jobs turns into a stressful and often frustrating experience with another innkeeper who didn’t like the victim, a man who toys with elderly women’s emotions, an ex-con who will do anything for money, and a very disloyal housekeeper.
Former Nashville police officer Summer Walsh is the quintessential southern lady who embodies kindness, courtesy, and ladylike toughness. She wants what’s best for everyone, and she’ll do whatever it takes to get it.
I was looking for a quick and easy holiday “whodunit” read which would keep my interest for a few hours….and I found it in Murder Under the Mistletoe! The cast of characters is eclectic….and kept me intrigued (and at times laughing) as I read this novella.
Summer Walsh gets to stay in a B&B booked by her parents (one of their favourites as a matter of fact) in Charleston, South Carolina during the Christmas holiday season. Summer is hoping that a mini vacation will help her decide what career to explore next. As a burnt out ex-cop, she has had a myriad of jobs, the most recent at a retail outlet…but when the manager asked for “all hands on deck” an hour and a half before opening the next morning with little notice that was the last straw for Summer and she quit on the spot.
Upon Summer’s arrival in Charleston she discovers the owner (and friend of the family) of the B&B dead. To extricate herself from being on the list of possible suspects, Summer becomes involved in the investigation. There are certainly some “interesting” characters (Mavis and Bert to name a few) and enough misdirection to keep you guessing. And what about the “sparks” between Summer and Jim (the active police officer involved in the murder investigation)…hmmmm.
This short read was a great beginning to the series. I can’t wait to read Gun in the Garden and Offed in the Office – the other two books in the series.