Superhero film won’t shoot in Michigan Source
You know this article really hits home for me because I live in Michigan. The economy here isn’t good and hasn’t really gotten any better. Bringing films to MI was one of the best things Granholm did. Michiganders had something to be proud of and it brought more jobs here. But now our new Governor has decided to do major budget cuts that effect films coming here. I understand the need for budget cuts but why cut something that was bring a over 5,000 stable jobs. Do you think the budget cuts should have effected something so positive? Are you excited for ‘The Avengers’?
‘Inception’ Top Saturn Awards Nominations Source
It’s really great to see so many sci fi movies up for awards. I think my favorite had to have been Tron. 🙂 What was your favorite? Do you think a movie should have got nominated that didn’t?
‘I Am Number Four’ Director DJ Caruso To Helm ‘Preacher’? Source
I’m always so amazed by the crazy books out there. Or in this case Comic Books, who would have thought of a Preacher kicking evil butt, literally. Not sure how well this is going to go being adapted to the big screen. But I Am Number Four did pretty well right? What do you think of Caruso taking on Preacher? Have you read the comic before?
Ewan McGregor Joining Bryan Singer’s ‘Jack The Giant Killer’ Source
I like how the writer of this article mentioned that this was the top casting movie not based off a comic book. But umm hello it’s still kinda based off a kids tale. I wish we had an original story coming out. What do you think of Jack The Giant Killer? What about Ewan McGregor joining the cast?
Simon Pegg calls Trek 2 script ‘AMAZEBALLS’ (That’s good, right?) Source
Eeekk! I’ve been dying for new, news on Star Trek 2. I know they said the script was no where near done. But I like that someone things the script is ‘Amazeballs’ bahahaha. I am assuming that is pretty awesome. Gahh I can’t wait for it to come out! Are you dying for Star Trek 2 to come out like me? Do you think Amazeballs is good?
Danny Boyle’s ‘Frankenstein’ Trailer Source
I love the whole Frankenstein storyline. And I find it extremely cool that a play is being brought to the big screen. Will you be going to see Frankensein?
About 50 actors have auditioned for Katniss in ‘The Hunger Games’ movie Source
This is another movie that has me on the edge of my seat. 50 actors is a lot, I hope they can find the perfect one. Nothing ruins a movie more when you have a character envisioned and the person they choose is nothing like it. I guess I haven’t been paying close attention or maybe I just forgot but I’m glad that the movie has a set date! Now they just need to get the casting process done….And of course release the info to us. Haha can you tell that I really want to know who will be in it. Are you excited for the Hunger Games movie? Who do you think should play Katniss?

“Let Me In,” “Tron: Legacy,” “Lost” and “Fringe” also earn multiple noms from the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror.
Inception dominated the Saturn Award nominations, announced Wednesday by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror, with a total of nine mentions.
The films Let Me In and Tron: Legacy followed with seven nominations each.
On the TV side, The Walking Dead led with six noms, followed by Breaking Bad, Lost and Fringe with five noms apiece.
Inception was nominated for best-science fiction film alongside Hereafter, Iron Man 2, Never Let Me Go, Splice and Tron: Legacy.
The movie also earned noms for best actor (Leonardo DiCaprio, a double nominee, also for Shutter Island), best actress (Ellen Page) and best supporting actor (Tom Hardy).
Meanwhile, Walking Dead’s nominations included best TV presentation, best actor (Andrew Lincoln) and best actress.
The best network series nominees are Fringe, Lost, Smallville, Supernatural, V and The Vampire Diaries.
Up for best syndicated/cable TV series are The Closer, Dexter, Eureka, Leverage, Spartacus: Blood and Sand and True Blood.
The 37th annual Saturn Awards take place in June in Burbank.
A complete list of nominees can be found starting on the next page.
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Anybody but Lawless.
Anybody but Lawless.
i want fringe to win
SMALLVILLE!!!! =) =)
i had no idea an actress could get nominated for saturn doing soft
lucy lawless is that a joke,she can’t act her way out of a paper bag.