The Mitch Hansen band began as one of the ‘Twilight’ saga’s first fan-made bands just after the release of ‘Eclipse’ in 2007, and has grown steadily in popularity among Twilighters ever since. Blast published now the interview they did at TwiCon in Dallas, Texas earlier this July.

Q: How did your songwriting change after Breaking Dawn came out and there wasn’t that mystery left anymore?
MH: When I read the first three, I didn’t have this notion of writing songs. But it’s funny, as I was reading Breaking Dawn, every scene or every chapter I would read I’d think “oh, that’d be a cool song, ” so yea, it was a lot different reading Breaking Dawn.

Q: So you have two CDs at this point: ‘Twilight Hour’ and ‘Endless Day’?
MH: Yea. Twilight Hour is just me and an acoustic guitar and I actually recorded it myself in my walk-in closet in my bedroom. And then we got a record deal about a year after I recorded that one, and we polished up a lot of the songs from Twilight Hour and added a new song as well.

Q: Do you have anything public planned with the release of ‘New Moon’?
MH: Sure, we are playing a huge film release party in Salt Lake City for the twilight moms, actually. They’ve invited us to come up and play that and they’re expecting to have you know, three or four thousand people there.

Q: Speaking of the stories in “Twilight,” what point was the easiest to write songs for?
MH: Definitely the end of Eclipse has been the most written about as far as my songs go. That’s kind of when Jake takes off and Edward and Bella decide they’re going to get married. There’s also the big fight scene with Victoria and the newborns.

Read the whole interview at BLAST

Interesting interview of this great ‘Twilight’-band – and so nice that they go to play at a release party. Do you know and like their songs?