By Jarett Wieselman on

With so many characters living in and around the world of Bon Temps, ‘True Blood’ is more jam-packed than Fangtasia on a Saturday night at sundown. But from the minute she first appeared at Eric’s side, Pam has been one of the best – and most memorable – sources of comic relief the show has in its arsenal.

But as the show hurtles toward its season finale (on Sept 13), Kristin has some intriguing details about what fans can expect not only in the last two episodes, but on the DVD special features. It turns out there’s a lot more to Pam than meets the eye!

Q: Where’d Pam go?!?
Kristin: I know, but she’s back on Sunday! And her outfit will definitely make up for the absence. It’s the most hilarious, incredible thing I’ve ever seen!

Q: I love Pam and Eric’s relationship on the show. Have you guys talked about their history together?
Kristin: It’s funny, Alexander and I would joke that the first 100 years between them were really passionate … but it’s faded to a friendship over time.

Q: What did you learn about Pam from recording the videos?
Kristin: Before being turned she was living with her wealthy and very provincial parents. She says, “Small men were lining up for me to be auctioned off to, and then this big viking showed up and split my world apart … and Eric likes to joke that my legs did too.”

Q: She’s never really seemed to grasp the Sookie/Bill relationship.
Kristin: Right, and now Eric’s got a bit of a Sookie thing too. She said, “if he makes her, I’ll have to deal with it.”

Q: That’s kind of her worst nightmare, having this human come in and steal Eric.
Kristin: Yes, she says something like, “I don’t think Eric’s going to share this one.” So that’s a little disconcerting for Pam.

Q: OK, so let me ask then, is there anything you would like to see happen for Pam?
Kristin: Well, Charlaine tells me that in the latest book she sends Pam on a murder spree. She kicks off her pumps and goes mercenary, ripping people apart. Who knows if Alan will do that though.

Read the whole interview  HERE

Oh my goddess – I love the mentioning of Eric’s amnesia and him wearing pink. And – of course – i enjoyed this amazing interview. I really think Kristin is a cool and nice person. Do you also love the news she is sharing about the DVDs and the show?