

Title: I Spy with My Little Eye

Series: A Marlow and Sage Mystery

By:   Lee Strauss


Author’s Website: http://www.leestraussbooks.com

Brought to you by OBS reviewer Andra                   

Summary:  I Spy With My Little Eye

A dead Santa throws Marlow and Sage together in this Nursery Rhyme Suspense short story.

The target isn’t Santa, it’s Sage, and she and Marlow aren’t the only ones who want information from the would-be assassin. Temporarily recruited by CISUE, Central Intelligence for Special or Unusual Events, Marlow and Sage are tasked with finding out the identity of CISUE’s main nemesis, and while they’re at it, smoke out the company mole.

Marlow and Sage surprise themselves by what appears to be a latent skill set, perfect for taking down bad guys. They’d pat each other on the back later if only they hadn’t agreed to have their memories wiped.

Who are you again?


This is the second short story I have read by author Lee Strauss.  I think for me to make a definitive decision as to whether I like this author’s writing, I shall have to read one of her novels that is not a short story.  While I Spy With My Little Eye was an enjoyable read, it reminded me of a time when I did not like short stories.  I found that what was written caught my interest but I was left wanting more…..and I hate that feeling.

The genre in this short story was a bit all over the map…..romance, murder, espionage and maybe even a bit of sci-fi.  The story is essentially about a college man, Marlow, (a geeky sort I must add) that is stuck on one of the popular girls, Sage, at his college.  While following Sage at a mall, one of the Santa’s is killed.  Marlow and Sage must figure out if Sage was the intended target or was it Santa in order to make sure she is safe.  Then all of a sudden we have a secret spy agency involved.  As I find all too much in short stories, there is not enough depth for my liking.

I did enjoy the writing style and I could catch a glimmer of depth.  So armed with this information, I am off to find a longer story written by Lee Strauss to once and for all determine if her writing is for me .