Author Kim Harrison recently announced that her Rachel Morgan Series also known as The Hollows Series will soon go graphic.  It will be written from Ivy’s (a living vampire) point of view and Harrison says that she wants to do the script herself so that she can keep as much of the original feel as she can.

Currently there are seven books in the Hollows series (not including the anthology Hollows Novellas) and more to come in the future.

If you like books about vampires, witches, pixies and other supernatural beings, then you will love this series. Along with mystery, romance and a lot of drama, you will learn about ley lines, the ever after, and what the term The Turn means.
Those of you who are fans already and love Kisten as much as I do, Kim told us a little secret. Kisten will be in the graphic version!


YAY! I can’t wait to see Ivy’s point of view. I just started reading the first Hollows book yesterday and I’m about half way through. Ivy’s character really is interesting, I kinda like her. And well I don’t know much about Kisten yet, but he must be pretty sweet.

Have you read the Hollows? Will you read them? Are you excited for Ivy’s point of view?