Today’s vampires are not about death, or even its cursed mirror, immortality, as True Blood, the red-hot new vampire series from HBO, illustrates. No. According to the show’s creator Alan Ball: “Vampires are sex.” Sex without the attendant fear of death.
These vampires have come ‘out of the coffin’ to join normal society. But even that doesn’t quite catch the phenomenon, or explain why the new strain of vampires who have overrun popular culture have particularly seduced impressionable young women. Truth is, women know that these sexed-up new vampires, like Bill Compton, the 173-year-old blood-sucker played by Stephen Moyer in True Blood, are really about the ultimate penetration – of the soul.
Yet True Blood had a shaky start when it premiered in the States last autumn. Critics were initially cold about the show, which is based on the best-selling Southern Vampire Mysteries novels by Charlaine Harris.
Interesting article, I agree that women are more drawn to True Blood than men. And the series did have a shaky start here in the US. I wasn’t hooked on the show until this season. I enjoyed it in the first season, but I rarely watched it.
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