Final Offer
Dreamland Billionaires, Book #3
By Lauren Asher
ISBN: 9781728272221
Author Website: laurenasher(.)com
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Caro

When I read the synopsis for Final Offer it immediately caught my attention that I didn’t notice it was the third book in a trilogy! Hahaha, I guess I’ll have to read the previous books to get to know the other two Kane brothers I’m already in love with. I was also amazed by the playlist the book comes with! I think this is the first book I’ve read where the author so nicely included a printed playlist to go along with the story. (laurenasher(.)com/laurens-mixtapes)
The story begins with a dangerous late-in-the-night encounter between our lovely couple, Callahan Kane and Alana “Lana” Castillo. Cal has returned unannounced to his grandfather’s summer house in Lake Wisteria, where Lana has lived in for years since her family moved to the USA. Lana inherited the house from Cal’s grandfather and believes to be the rightful and only owner until Cal shows up claiming the house.
To Cal’s surprise, Lana has been living in the house for the past years with her five year old daughter. As soon as Cal hears this he immediately starts counting the days, months, and years to when he last saw his ex-girlfriend for what he thought would be the last time before promising to never return. Lana assures him that her daughter, Cami, is only hers and not Cal’s. Cal is somewhat hurt that Lana moved on, but he really can’t blame her after how things ended between them.
Cal and Lana learn that grandfather Kane’s inheritance wasn’t exactly the way he made it sound. Both were under the impression that each individually was the owner of the house, Lana to live in it and Cal to sell it in order to receive the rest of his money. For Lana, selling the house would mean losing everything she has worked for and taking Cami’s home from her, along with losing the memories of her mother. For Cal, having Lana as co-owner means not fulfilling his grandfather’s will and losing to his father, along with making his brother’s lose their inheritance as well. Lana will never agree to selling the house, especially knowing that Cal is still the spoiled rich boy she grew up with and that not even his drinking habit hasn’t changed. But after struggling to pursue Cal, Lana goes along with his plan knowing that if they raise the price on the house no one will buy it.
Lana was not expecting Cal returning to Lake Wisteria, especially after going through that terrible breakup, her mother passing away shortly after, and having to raise Cami on her own. Luckily, Lana has good friends Violet, Delilah and Wyatt to help her, keep her sane and protect her. Lana’s love for Cami also keeps her going and looking for the best options to raise her child. Another reason to not trust Cal once he returns. Lana knows Cal still has a drinking problem and does not want Cal intoxicated near Cami, especially when Cami begins to attach herself to Cal’s father figure. Cami is adorable, and Cal starts falling in love with her immediately. Not to mention how cute Cami is when she starts charging people money for her Swear Jar.
“Sorry, kiddo, but I don’t have any dollars.” “How about that?” She points at the stack of hundred-dollar bills with big eyes. “Do you even know how much these are worth?”
“You owe the swear jar!” Cami jumps out of her seat and walks over to Declan with her hand held out. “Billetes, por favor.”
Cal is still struggling to put his childhood behind him and is having a difficult time moving on. His father’s disapproval fuels his drinking and any hope to get sober, but once Cal realizes that he may have a chance to get Lana back, he finally gives his all to be a better person. Cal is also helping his brothers win over their father, which motivates him even more. Cal’s brothers both have their own tasks to fulfill before their time is up, but the dynamic between the brothers is so cute, they’re all trying to be more brotherly towards each other and helpful, yet it looks awkwardly cute.
Rehab might have helped me start off on the right foot, but not having access to alcohol isn’t the same as choosing to be sober. At least not to me. I want to be tempted by alcohol and resist.
Apart from Cal’s brothers, we also have their adorable wives Iris and Zahra. You can say they are Cal’s best friends and confidants. The trio has their own family chat with funny interactions and advice for when Cal needs help understanding Lana’s feelings. While Cal is awkward with his brother, he is adorable with his sisters-in-law.
Lana and Cal have grown up and matured for the better of their loved ones. It took Cal a little longer to find a reason to be better but with work and determination he found his own piece. If you’ve been following the Dreamland Billionaires series you definitely have to finish the trilogy with Cal. If you are new to the series like me, then I recommend you start from the beginning for more adventures with the Kane brothers, but no book order is necessary.