It seems like every other book is becoming a movie now a days. I know most of us here at OBS love seeing our favorite books turn in to a film or TV show. So Caro and I are bringing you some fan art for some books that have been recently signed and will be becoming a movie!
Wings by ~skellington
Ooh, this is really amazing and pretty 🙂 I love how flowery it looks, the colors used resemble the ones from the book cover and the model looks like a Laurel I would picture. But, it also reminds me a little of a promo for a flower perfume, I like it and it-s really good, but that was my second thought. Nevertheless, it would be a good movie poster for Wings.(Caro)
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This one is truly looking just awesome. As the design and concept of this one are extremely looking just rocking and impressive. And this one is really looking one of the best poster forever. I am really impressed to know about it. Thanks for sharing some exceptional information about it.