Chapter 2 “Fit to be Tied” by chris
Lunch Hall
Girl’s bathroom
Memorable Quotes:
1. “This is my room number. Come by anytime” – Cam page 45
2. “Like you wouldn’t sink your teeth into him?” – Arraine page 54
3. If the sight of you hadn’t just ruined my appetite, I’d make you buy my another lunch” – Molly page53
4. “I’m sure gossip spreads like the plague around here.” – Luce page 57
We find Luce in her first class observing her bleak surroundings, many things are outdated and run down. Her own desk is littered with graffiti, she tries to make herself as comfortable as possible. She has class with Arriane, Cam, and Gabbe. Cam strikes up a conversation with her, and she can’t help but notice that he is being overly nice. Luce isn’t too familiar with bad boys and them hitting on her, so when he offers his room number and key to it, she is taken back, not knowing what to make of it. Luce sits nervously as the rest of the class files in getting ready to start the period, she is anxious to see if Daniel is in her class. She notices that Cam keeps stealing glances at her, and she is feeling a little overwhelmed by her new found attraction to two different males, on the first day!
Questions for consideration:
1. What do you think about Cam? Does he like Luce, or is this some kind of new-kid trickery? What about Daniel?
2. Does Sword & Cross seem just like any other high school, with bullies, gossip, crushes, cliques? Any differences?
3. We meet Penn in this chapter, what do you think about her? Is she really that nice, or should Luce not trust her so quickly?
4. Is Luce’s need for normalcy and friendship out way her morals and values?
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