Enjoy a Spa Day
Single Wide Female: The Bucket List
By Lillianna Blake
Author’s Website: lilliannablake.com
Brought to you by OBS reviewer Andra

I have a problem. Well, to be fair I have several (dozen) problems—and one of my multitude of multiple problems is allowing myself to be pampered. I’d look at the photos of beautiful people lying on massage tables in beautiful spas and wonder – would that table take my weight?
And then I would think of another problem. Would the spa have a gown big enough for me? Would the masseur sue his employer for cruel and unusual punishment for having to massage me? And what if he saw me naked? Oh, no. Gulp.
This bucket list challenge is a big deal for me. I’m all for men interfering with me, but I prefer it with the lights out, curtains drawn and a shutter nailed against the window. Wandering about in a spa in a gown? I can see trouble ahead. (Goodreads)
As usual, this story in the “Single Wide Female: The Bucket List” series is an enjoyable, chuckle worthy read by Lillianna Blake. In Enjoy a Spa Day Samantha (Sam) plans a spa day for herself. Given her past issues with her self body image – this is a big step for Sam. She quickly realizes she does not know how to go about booking a spa day, nor even what it entails.
I chuckled many times while Sam had each of her spa treatments. Oregano in the face mask – interesting! Provided Sam with a deep clean and her skin never looked better. On to the massage, which let me tell you – was a delightfully funny event. Between being clumsy while taking her clothes off and insisting on Ashley as her masseuse – there were many chuckle worthy moments. And having difficulties in the hot tub – poor Sam. And then near the end of Samantha’s spa day:
“I’m sorry for the problems you had today.” Amanda frowned. “I’d like to offer you another spa day, free of charge.”
“That’s very kind of you, but I think I’m done with spas.” I laughed a little. “I did get exactly what I needed today, though.”
I loved how Sam grew from this experience – learning to accept and embrace her body. We should all strive for that sort of acceptance. My favorite quote though was when she was conversing with Max afterward and he suggested a spa day together and Sam said the following (a gal after my own heart):
“… I think the best way to show myself and my body love is a good book and a nice long nap.”
The lessons that Sam are learning as a result of her bucket list is inspiring. We should all learn to feel relaxed and fulfilled on a daily basis and not just once in a while!
Another fun installment of the Single Wide Female: The Bucket List series. I do enjoy my time with Sam!