www.mtv.com: By their own admission, only one-fourth of Death Cab for Cutie have actually read anything from the “Twilight” series (guitarist Chris Walla, we’re looking at you), but that hasn’t stopped them from penning the first single from the “New Moon” soundtrack, “Meet Me on the Equinox.”
And that hasn’t stopped them from weighing in on one of the series’ central conflicts — the whole Team Edward vs. Team Jacob thing — when we visited the set of the “Equinox” video in Toronto on Wednesday.
“OK, so again, having only finished the second book, I feel like I’m sort of out on a limb a little bit, because I haven’t started the third book,” Walla told MTV News. “So I’m really excited to see the film and sort of see if I feel like I’m still out on a limb. Like, I love Jacob. He’s great. In the middle of the book, he’s the one who’s taking care of Bella, and, like, where’s Edward? What is he doing? What an a–hole! But he comes through in the end, and, you know, we’ll see what happens.”
Read more here!
Whoa, I am so not on Team Jacob, but to each his own right?!
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