Teens Read and Write is giving away a 2010 New Moon Calendar.


Juiciliciousss Reviews is giving away four (4) prize packs. Here are the prizes:

Adult Prize Pack

The MG/YA Prize Pack

The Paranormal Prize Pack

The Miscellaneous Prize Pack (YG books with various categories)


The Calico Critic is giving away “The Gospel According to Lost” by Chris Seay.

Lost is NOT just a television show. It has become larger than that-a massive story filled with mystery that has garnered over twenty million participants. Some might call them viewers, but one does not just watch Lost, one participates in it. It demands that you dialogue with the story, seeking theories and comparing yourself to characters. Lost breaks all the formulas for television, and in doing so has drawn together millions of people on a shared journey that explores life, faith, history, science, philosophy, hope, and the basic questions of what it means to be human. It is the seemingly infinite ideas, philosophies, and biblical metaphors that make this story so engaging.

The focus on faith and truth is never more clearly explained than in the words of John Locke as he questions Jack Shepherd asking “Why do you find it so hard to believe?” Jack responds quickly “Why do you find it so easy?” But Locke declares “It’s never been easy.” This tension between Faith and Reason drives every episode and story line. Locke summed this up as he explained to Jack “That’s why you and I don’t see eye to eye sometimes, because you’re a man of science…Me, well, I’m a man of faith.”


What did you think of today’s contests? Join us in the forum to discuss!