Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 Comics Bring Back Villain from Season 1
Source: entertainment.gather.com
Remember when Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel were on television? Buffy hasn’t aired new episodes since 2003, and Angel ended its run a year after that. Reruns can still be found on cable, but the series’ fan bases have diminished somewhat over the years. However both series still have comics around, and those comics fuel the fire.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 Comic – Welcome Back…?
Fans of Buffy will have to look back to the show’s first season to remember the villain that has come back into the franchise’s story line. The last issue released of the comic saw The Master, whom Buffy took care of in the season 1 finale. Fans will also remember that he was the one responsible for Buffy’s first death.
‘Torchwood,’ a ‘Dr. Who’ spin-off, brings its sci-fi world to comics, says Kulesa — and video trailer
Source: nj.com
In his Comic Box column this week in The Jersey Journal, William Kulesa explores the popular British television show Doctor Who that was resurrected in 2005. Specifically, he looks at a spin-off of the time traveling British show that has become popular on its own and that is now a comic book.
The “Torchwood” TV show is also a platform for crossover episodes of the “Dr. Who,” whose main character meets Torchwood leader Captain Jack Harkness.
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On the TV show Harkness is played by John Barrowman, who writes the first “Torchwood” comic.
“IDES OF BLOOD”: Holy Roman Vampires!
Source: fangoria.com
Out in stores now, the first issue of Wildstorm Comics’ IDES OF BLOOD packs a wallop of political scandals, vampire action and mystery (see review here). The series’ writer Stuart C. Paul spoke with Fango about creating a universe where Julius Caesar and vampires co-exist.
FANGORIA: What was your inspiration for IDES OF BLOOD? How did the story come about?
STUART C. PAUL: Basically, it came out of my frustration with the vampire subgenre. I’ve never been a very big fan of those stories. I have nothing against them, but at the time I originally came up with the idea—about five years ago—I had yet to encounter one that blew me away. Not that I wasn’t impressed with things like INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE or ‘SALEM’S LOT, but the mythology in general just left me feeling kind of apathetic. It wasn’t until I saw LET THE RIGHT ONE IN that I was truly swept away by a vampire tale. So, I thought to myself, “What would I have to do to make them interesting to me?”
What do you think of today’s comic book news? Do you read Buffy Comics? What do you think?
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