This week we are highlighting the Science Fiction Comic ‘Mindfield’ by J.T. Krul, Alex Konat, Phil Noto, published by Aspen Mlt Inc. The following cover is by J.T. Krul.
The CIA has created an elite team of telepathic agents dedicated to fighting domestic terrorism. But as Connor and the rest of his crew take to the streets, can they handle the dark thoughts buried inside the minds of ‘we the people?’
Aspen’s newest hit series, MINDFIELD, comes to you courtesy of creator J.T. Krul who blends together a world of action and intrigue the likes of which you’ve never seen! Featuring an all-new 12-page story by newcomer Alex Konat, this zero issue sets the stage for the brand-new MINDFIELD #1 coming this June! Complete with an additional sketchbook section and never before seen art.
Alternate covers: by Alex Konat
Do you read Sci-fi comics? What are some of your favorites? Will you be getting Mindfield?