I AM NUMBER FOUR: Trailer and First Chapter For The Book That Is Heading For The Big-Screen

By Jason Moore at Sci Fi Mafia

We have previously told you about the D.J. Caruso (Eagle Eye) directed adaptation of the upcoming young-adult science fiction book by James Frey and Jobie Hughes entitled, I AM NUMBER FOUR. The film stars Alex Pettyfer, Jake Abel, Timothy Olyphant, Kevin Durand , Dianna Agron, Callan McAuliffe and Teresa Palmer.

Harper Collins will be releasing the book upon which the movie is based on August 3rd and now we have our first look. Check out the synopsis, trailer and first chapter below.

I AM NUMBER FOUR invades book stores on August 3rd

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Carnivorous Cosmos: Laird Barron—And His Lovecraftian Stylings—is Horror’s New Messiah

by paulgoatallen at Barnes and Noble
No author has ever come close to terrifying me quite like H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937). His novella At the Mountains of Madness (1931), about an ill-fated expedition to the Antarctic, remains my all-time favorite horror work. His stories involving the Cthulhu mythos, in which humans are inconsequential specks in a hostile universe dominated by ancient, nightmare-inducing gods, had me checking under my bed and in the closet for weeks when I first stumbled across one of his short-story collections (Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, I believe) in a used bookstore when I was a kid.

From my years of experience as a moderator in’s online community, I’ve gotten the sense that many readers are sick and tired of the splatterific blood and gore that powers many of today’s horror novels…

Yes, having some zombie dismember a victim and crush his skull like an overripe beefsteak tomato then pull out his intestines like it’s stringing up Christmas lights may be entertaining to some—but is it truly scary? No. Inducing real fear in readers is no easy task—I can probably list the authors that have actually scared me in one breath… My point is that a lot of contemporary horror isn’t scary at all: it’s just gross. Shocking readers is easy. Scaring them takes talent.

Reading Laird Barron reminds me of what it was like discovering works from the aforementioned horror masters. The nine stories featured in his latest collection are painstakingly constructed—a darkly poetic narrative fuels these deftly plotted stories of existential angst.

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Stieg Larsson becomes first author to sell 1m ebooks on Amazon

Alison Flood at The Guardian
The late Swedish journalist Stieg Larsson has beaten Stephenie Meyer and James Patterson to become the first author to sell more than one million ebooks on Amazon.

The online retailer said yesterday that Larsson, author of the Millennium trilogy, had become the first member of its new “Kindle Million Club”, for authors whose work has sold over a million copies in Amazon’s Kindle store in the US. The crime novelist is likely to be joined by thriller writer Patterson – Amazon said last week that it had sold over 860,000 of his ebooks – while Twilight scribe Meyer, Sookie Stackhouse creator Charlaine Harris and queen of romantic suspense Nora Roberts have each sold more than 500,000 Kindle books in the US.

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Fashion Dos and Dont’s for the Paranormal Heroine

Kate Perry at Tor
Everyone knows that being a heroine is all about how you look. Forget about kicking supernatural ass—the skills are secondary, and you can always use props. Look at Rachel Morgan (from The Hallows Series by Kim Harrison). Most of her skills come from amulets she bought and potions she brewed based on recipes. She has backup to do the hardcore fighting.

In other words, it’s all about how you look while you do it.

Do you want to be a paranormal heroine? You can be. You just have to dress the part.

Invest in leather.

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Do you want to read I Am Number Four? Do you like H.P. Lovecraft?