What is Science-Fantasy?
Interview with YA author Jodi Meadows


Lately, I’ve heard the term “Science-Fantasy” a lot in connection with YA literature. Why is the idea of blending science fiction and fantasy within a novel so fascinating? Because science-fantasy uniquely mixes two very different genres of literature, and in so doing, gives birth to amazing stories that draw a new landscape for literature. To find out more about science-fantasy, I interviewed the lovely and uber talented Jodi Meadows, literary aficionado and YA author of the science-fantasy NEWSOUL trilogy…

Q: Can you tell us a little about yourself and your literary road to becoming the author you are today?

Jodi: Certainly! Of course I was a child prodigy with more talent than you could fit in an oil tanker. I graduated university with highest honors when I was only six years old! By seven, I’d finished my first 500,000-word manuscript and had it considered by several well-known publishing houses, but none of them believed I’d written it. Sadly, I would have to wait twenty more years before anyone believed I was capable of writing fiction. Okay, that’s all a lie. I didn’t even like books until I was in third grade. I stayed home sick one day, but still had to finish the book we were reading for class. I wish I could remember the title — I’d love to find it again — but the only thing I can remember about it was there were children trapped in a “haunted” cave. The ghostly wailing turned out to be wind keening over a hidden opening. I was so disappointed when I realized it wasn’t a real haunting. But the seed had been planted. I found a few other books I liked…then more and more until I — gasp! — enjoyed reading. In seventh grade, my teacher shared WAIT TILL HELEN COMES by Mary Downing Hahn. It was so creepy and, best of all, the ghosts were real. That book, and a few others I discovered as I grew up, made me abandon the idea of becoming an astronaut (I hear you have to be good at math for that, anyway), and decide I really wanted to be a writer.


Science Fiction – Let your imagination fly away


Science fiction has inspired many films with large deployments. Star Wars, Matrix and Terminator are just some movies that are based on science fiction. In fact, many scientific discoveries were first imagined in science fiction literature only. Robots were first in the Children’s Fiction Books at the beginning of the twentieth century in the spotlight. It was finally a reality in the late twentieth century.
Unlike other types of fiction, the books were science fiction to technological innovation, has become a reality, not. Most books of fiction today on the machine time to discuss interstellar travel and flying cars. This will have an innovative concept like robots in the early twentieth century. Who knows, this sci-fi machines can eventually become part of our daily lives in a not too distant future.
Robert Jordan “popular Wheel of Time,” “The Lord of the Rings” and “Star Trek” are among the all time science fiction favorite books.


Why do you think scifi fantasy is so popular – especially in children’s/ young adults books?

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