Brought to you by OBS Staff member Katie
Chapters 6
Back at the Tulsa House of Night, Jack was getting things all ready for Zoey’s big return. He noticed that Dutch, Stark’s dog was acting a little strange; more attached. Jack not sure what the problem was, thought maybe Dutch missed Stark, Damien thought other wise. Damien also wasn’t sure about the location Jack picked for Zoey’s ritual. That specific tree had a lot of negative activity lately, but Jack wasn’t going to let that stop him. Damien being the ever caring boyfriend doesn’t know if this ritual in general is a good idea, he is afraid Jack might get his feelings hurt because he knows how hard he is working, but from what is being said, Zoey might not be back for a long time.
Do you think that Dutchess could feel that something bad was going to happen?
Do you think they made it a little obvious that something was going to happen to Jack with the claymore because they pointed out how dangerous it was?
Why do you think Neferet waited until midnight?
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