Chantelle Lusebrink at reported this today:
If walking through walls in a London train station or battling an evil wizard wasn’t enough for you, then you might be interested in traveling through J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series again — but this time, with some help.
Local first-time author Nancy Solon Villaluz is hoping you’ll let her be your guide through your next read with “Does Harry Potter Tickle Sleeping Dragons?”
In the three-book series, designed as a literary commentary on the “Harry Potter” series, Villaluz explores the depths of Rowling’s series and hidden critical elements she thinks “Harry Potter” fans should know.
“This ‘Harry Potter’ commentary is meant, like Harry, to challenge the reader to walk through what appears to be a wall into belief in what they can’t see and to walk in love when things get hard,” she said, of Rowling’s deeper plot. “That message is always relevant and necessary in society, and Rowling tackles it in spades.”
Read more here.
This sounds really interesting, don’t you think?
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Hey!! I just read this book!
You're right, Nikki, “Does Harry Potter Tickle Sleeping Dragons?” is really interesting. In fact, it's really excellent. I was amazed by the results of Mrs. Villaluz's huge amount of research and I also thought that the unique voice of her writing style makes this book very entertaining and quite compelling. The news article you linked really just scratches the surface. If you want to know more about the book, below is a copy-and-paste link to the many 5-star reviews, which say it all better than I can:…
Or better yet, just read the book 😉
I, personally, think that the newspaper chose a weird title for their article since they say it's a “commentary book” in the body of the article, and NOT actually “further Harry Potter Adventures.” I guess they thought their article would get more attention that way. I mention this because a “commentary”… like “Does Harry Potter Tickle Sleeping Dragons?” is… is perfectly legal and respects Ms. Rowling's legal rights, but “further adventures” would not. So I feel bad for Mrs. Villaluz. After proving her good, legal intentions to Rowling's attorneys (as Villaluz mentioned in this article you linked), poor Mrs. Villaluz must have had a heart attack at the tack the paper chose to take with their title. Welcome to the skewed media, Mrs. Villaluz.
Anyway, thanks for posting this, Nikki. As more people read this book, it will start some really interesting discussions among us Potter fans here on!
Hey!! I just read this book!
You're right, Nikki, “Does Harry Potter Tickle Sleeping Dragons?” is really interesting. In fact, it's really excellent. I was amazed by the results of Mrs. Villaluz's huge amount of research and I also thought that the unique voice of her writing style makes this book very entertaining and quite compelling. The news article you linked really just scratches the surface. If you want to know more about the book, below is a copy-and-paste link to the many 5-star reviews, which say it all better than I can:…
Or better yet, just read the book 😉
I, personally, think that the newspaper chose a weird title for their article since they say it's a “commentary book” in the body of the article, and NOT actually “further Harry Potter Adventures.” I guess they thought their article would get more attention that way. I mention this because a “commentary”… like “Does Harry Potter Tickle Sleeping Dragons?” is… is perfectly legal and respects Ms. Rowling's legal rights, but “further adventures” would not. So I feel bad for Mrs. Villaluz. After proving her good, legal intentions to Rowling's attorneys (as Villaluz mentioned in this article you linked), poor Mrs. Villaluz must have had a heart attack at the tack the paper chose to take with their title. Welcome to the skewed media, Mrs. Villaluz.
Anyway, thanks for posting this, Nikki. As more people read this book, it will start some really interesting discussions among us Potter fans here on!