By Brian Truitt USA WEEKEND Magazine

Since Bram Stoker unleashed “Dracula” in 1897, vampires have long been a part of the world’s pop-culture scene. What once was the domain of Bela Lugosi and Christopher Lee has opened to the likes of Tom Cruise (“Interview With the Vampire”) and Robert Pattinson (the recent “Twilight” films).

“I love to watch each generation find vampires and redefine them,” says Ian Holt, the vampire expert who co-wrote the new sequel to “Dracula: The Un-Dead,” with Bram Stoker’s great-grandnephew, Dacre Stoker.

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Vampires are ever evolving. From the 1920’s through the 1950’s, Vampires were a frightful bunch of  blood-sucking, horrific creatures that scared us and caused us to have nightmares.

Then a sudden shift happened. Vampires became hip. It started in the 80’s with The Lost Boys. Any Generation X‘er will agree it is the quintessential teenage vampire movie.  It broke the ugly, elusive, older man stereotype that was placed upon it and morphed vampirism, as we know it.

Today we have Edward, Stephan, Bill and Eric.  Legions of both male and female followers alike talk of wanting to be bitten or how sexy they find a vampire to be or simply like the power that comes with it. A lot has changed since Nosferatu. It doesn’t look like the fascination with this undead will go away anytime soon and we’re okay with that.

Out of all vampires through cinematic history which vampire do find most scary? What is your favorite vampire film?