Source: sfscope

Great news for young adult fans of science fiction. Renovation, the 2011 World Science Fiction Convention, has announced that it will be the first WorldCon to offer a reduced membership rate for young adults, “enabling many more young people to participate in this unique event.”

Attending membership rates for WorldCons have usually been discounted for children under 17, but Renovation Chair Patty Wells said “I strongly believe that we need to do more to attract young people, especially when so many of them are discovering the genre through writers such as J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer. Our YA rate will allow these new fans to be part of the WorldCon experience: meeting and listening to writers; exploring our art show, dealers’ room, and exhibits; and attending the Hugo Award Ceremony, Masquerade, and other special events.”

Read more about YA membership rates for WorldCon here

If your interested in attending you can visit the Revonation, the World Science Convention site.

Will you be attending the WorldCon? If you do, please come back to the OBS forum and tell us all about it.