We have the following staff positions open:
Book Reviewers – write reviews for your favorite books. If you choose to be a reviewer, you must submit at least 4 book reviews a month. The perks: you will often get to read books before they’ve come out and you’ll have the option to keep any/all books sent to you.
NEEDED: Male reviewer(s) – we are consistently offered science fiction books, graphic novels and comics. We are looking for a man’s POV.
OBS Speaks Out Article writers – need to rant about authors/books/characters/movies etc…? Write an article for OBS Speaks Out.
Exclusive content tasks ( be willing to do at least one a month):
A-Z – do an A-Z on a book, movie, character, series.
Casting Couch – choose your dream cast for a book or series.
Book VS Movie
Please contact me at dawn at openbooksociety dot com if you are interested. Let me know what interests you.
All positions are on a volunteer basis.