By Chris Quintana at Daily Lobo

Zombies are out to steal the supernatural limelight this year at the 41st Bubonicon Convention.

The literary science fiction convention — whose mascot is a bubonic plague–infected rat — starts tomorrow at the Albuquerque Grand Airport Hotel.

Craig Chrissinger, co-chair of the Bubonicon planning committee, said this year’s theme is zombies because “Everything is better with zombies.”

[Kristen] Dorland said the convention attracts about 500 participants each year, and she hopes it will attract more people each year.

“A lot of people that come the first time don’t realize how easy it is to walk up to the author and just start talking with them,” she said. “We are very accessible that way because we are such a small convention, and our authors are more than happy to talk to their fans.”

In addition to the panels, guests have access to sci-fi vendors, free art shows, live readings, a zombie flick, live music and even nerdy events, Dorland said.

Read the full article here

I’ve never been to a sci-fi convention, but I am dying to go to one. This sounds like it would be fun, especially since you have the chance to talk to writers and authors.

Is anyone going to this one? Are there any sci-fi conventions in your area?