Cullenism is a Twilight based religion that has about 200 followers. Below is more information about them:

TwiChurch will be held every Sunday at 8pm PST/ 9pm MST/ 11pmEst

There will be a designated forum entitled “TwiChurch” to the discussion event , so to be involved with the TwiChurch experience join up with the Group!

In case some of you don’t know yet, TwiChurch is a weekly event where we have a topic of discussion related to Twilight. On our first week of the event we had a lot of people in the chat, which got a little hectic, so we decided to host the event in a forum to keep things more simple. I think this next TwiChurch will be even better, and I believe that it will only continue to get better!

Below is the groups explanation:

Christianity has grown exponentially from it’s beginnings, it has reached many people all over the world. If you have seen from personal experience then you can tell that some people have taken their religious beliefs to extremes, either within themselves or within their community. Some take it upon themselves to know every detail of the Bible,every single aspect of the religion. And then some just follow what they have been taught by others, they don’t think it even necessary to read further into it. There are ignorant people out there who don’t take the liberty in trying to find the true meaning behind their worship, but then there are people who find the meaning and enjoy it within themselves.

Read more here

I’m not much into religion so I won’t comment too much. At the very least, it’s interesting.

What do you think of Cullenism? Would you attend their TwiChurch? Why or why not?