Fan Fiction Highlight: “All That Jazz”

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Fan Fiction Highlight: All That Jazz
Author: Javamomma0921
Description:Twilight fan fic, All Human/Alternate Universe

Set in 1919. Meet orphan sisters, Bella and Alice Swan, as they journey to Chicago to meet their Aunt Esme, brazen, disowned sister of their mother. Join Bella as she learns the true meaning of marriage and love. M for adult themes and later lemons.
Chapters: 23
Rating: M (NC-17)

Short Preview:

The young man sitting behind the piano was like nothing I had ever seen before. The light from the window wall behind him came in in golden shafts that seemed to set his hair on fire. It was the most unique shade of bronze. As he played, he kept his eyes closed and a near beatific smile on his face. He moved his upper body in time with the music, his unruly hair falling in and out of his face.

I stepped forward, wanting to get closer to the music. I kept telling myself over and over again it was the music which was drawing me in. I was so focused on the beautiful piano player, I didn’t see the plant holders lining the side of the room. My foot caught in one of the holders, causing three of the empty pots to clatter the ground. I followed quickly after.

The music stopped abruptly and too quickly I was being lifted to my feet by a pair of warm hands. I looked up into eyes the color of jade flecked with ebony and gold. They were fascinating in themselves. I had to shake my head in order to clear the haze.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

I nodded, my head feeling light.

“You took quite a spill; are you sure I can’t help you to a seat?”

I was never more ungrateful for my propensity to blush. I couldn’t help the torrent of red I felt creeping up my neck as I listened to his words and watched his mouth move. I immediately chastised myself for being so immoral as to watch a stranger’s mouth move. It was unthinkable. I vaguely recognized that he was still talking and that he had let me go; something within me that I didn’t recognize was sad not to feel his too-warm hands on me any longer

“I didn’t expect anyone to come in here,” he said, running a hand through his hair and smiling. “I was just stealing some time on the baby grand before lunch time. Dr. and Mrs. Cullen are so kind as to let me play whenever I come over.”

“And you are?” Alice’s voice broke through my hazy thoughts.

“Oh, I’m very sorry. I’m Edward Masen.”

“Edward, how nice to meet you!” Alice exclaimed. “Aunt Esme has told us much about you. I’m Alice Swan.”

“A pleasure, Alice.” He turned back to me and favored me with another crooked smile that made my heart stop for just a second. “You must be Isabella. It’s so nice to make your acquaintance.”

“Likewise,” I stuttered inanely.

Alice took pity on me and grabbed my arm, anchoring me to her. Once in Alice’s grasp, I found my head again. Beautiful young men who play piano and go to law school do not seek to court plain, orphaned young women, I admonished myself. It just does not happen in real life. Men such as him court and marry attractive women with whom they have beautiful children and live in stately homes. I reminded myself that to hope for a anything such as that in life would only lead me to disappointment and heartache. It was much more practical to forget Edward, with his tousled copper hair and his deep green eyes before I allowed myself to get hurt.

Lunch was lovely and went by quickly, everyone chatting and exchanging pleasantries. I found myself having difficulty concentrating at times, mostly when Edward was speaking. I sighed inwardly. I would never hear the end of this from my sister, I was sure. The day seemed over all too quickly and I realized that our guests were getting ready to leave. The Masens were the last to leave and to my great surprise, Edward walked directly over to me.

“I hope you don’t find it too forward of me to say I am looking forward to tutoring you?”

“No, of course not,” I said, thankful to have found my voice after failing so miserably at speaking to him earlier this afternoon. “I appreciate you agreeing to help my sister and me. You must be very busy.”

“It’s no trouble at all. May I look forward to seeing you in a few days then, Isabella?”

“Bella,” I whispered. “I prefer Bella.”

He stared at me for a moment and I worried that I shouldn’t have corrected him. He then broke out into another smile and my face flushed almost immediately.

“Until Saturday…Bella.”

Read the rest of  “All That Jazz” on FFn by Clicking Here

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