Written by OBS Staff Member Rose

The city of San Francisco is being stalked by a huge shaved vampire cat named Chet, and only Abby Normal, the emergency backup mistress of the Greater Bay Area night, and her manga-haired love monkey, Foo Dog, stand between the ravenous monster and a bloody massacre of the general public.

Sounds crazy? It is. But in a good crazy kind of way. In this third installment of the hysterical and twisted vampire ‘love story’ by best-selling author Christopher Moore, ‘Bite Me’ starts off exactly where it left off in ‘You Suck’. And if you’re not familiar with ‘Bloodsucking Fiends’ (the first novel) and ‘You Suck’, it’s okay, Miss Abby Normal (Tommy’s day-time servant) recants all the events you need to know right off the bat.

Jody and Tommy are still captive in their bronze statues and now Chet, the vampire cat has turned the strays of the city into a virtual vampire kitty army and Abby takes it upon herself to track down the kitty pack.

She is not alone in her search, she has her geek science boy crush by her side whom she calls Foo Dog, trying to come up with a formula to reverse the vampirism, the two policemen Cavuti and Rivera (the other Odd Couple) and Tommy, newly released from his confines, who is not too happy about being held captive, especially since he didn’t know how to turn to mist like Jody does. (A little escape trick.) Jody (the vampire love of Tommy’s life) has gone missing and they all have to deal with some very unsavory vampires who have docked in the city and are on the hunt for the killer vampire cats themselves.

A good portion of the book is narrated by Miss Abby herself and it’s all OMG’s and LOL’s and tirades from a teenage point of view that will make you laugh out loud.  Not for one moment does the hilarity let up in this installment.

The way Moore captures Abby’s teenager tone, you’d think he was a teenager himself. Moore is quite adept at switching back and forth between character points of view, giving us a unique reading experience. Christopher Moore outdid himself with ‘Bite Me’. He wrapped up science fiction, with action and comedy, threw in two handfuls of vampire folklore and sprinkled it with wit. You will not be disappointed.